In this month of one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving, I wanted to start by telling you how thankful I am for each one of you. Whether you support me financially, in prayer, with your encouraging words, or in any other way, your support has been invaluable to me. I can't imagine doing something as big and challenging as campus ministry apart from friends and family like you. So thank you for all you do and who you are!!
November has been a fantastic month. Our core groups are going strong, as are our one-on-one studies of Scripture. I say it often, and I'll say it again: it never ceases to amaze me how God changes our students from year to year. It's been so cool to see a community college ministry take seriously the life of discipleship and it has paid big dividends for our community. Our campus staff, too, have grown tremendously this semester. We've experienced some shifts this semester and our staff has handled it with great effort and care. I love working with the people I get to work with; they make me a better disciple and they teach me so much about how to love people.
In other happenings, Focus is planning on expanding onto the University of Texas at Arlington campus!! This is so exciting for us as we've always been a community that desires to spread the gospel and build authentic community all around the metroplex. In order to do this we will be sending numerous staff over to that campus and trying to fill gaps where they leave, but we know God will make this happen! We also began a campaign to raise funds not only for our plan to go to UTA but also for our general spending. In case you're wondering what goes into that "general spending" category, it's things like buying the one-on-one bible studies we do with people that we call Focus on Jesus, it's sending students to camp that can't afford it, it's paying for interns, it's sending students to a campus ministry conference, and so much more! If you'd like to be a part of helping us in that, please watch the Focus140 video below and go to to give!
Finally, I just want to ask that you would be praying about this initiative to keep Focus growing. Pray also that our ministries would continue to grow and be led by God and for the health and direction of our students in Christ. Thank you so much for all your help and support. As always, please email me at with your comments or questions. Love you all!
Yours on the campus,
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