It's been one month since I last updated you on happenings in the Collin Focus ministry, and so much has happened since then! October is always an interesting month; to be candid, October always seems to be difficult in campus ministry. I have even started calling the general malaise experienced by some students in this month the "October blues". I think this happens for a number of reasons, the foremost reason being the place in the semester it falls: not close to a restful ending, no longer close to an exciting beginning, and full of midterms and such for students. But this month was different!
It's been so refreshing to see the Collin corefas really step up in the face of exhaustion, tough circumstances, and multifaceted demands. They are fighters. I'm reminded of the parable of the mustard seed in Mark, where Jesus compares the kingdom to the tiniest of seeds that becomes the largest of it's kind. These students, too, recognize that although they may feel like they're spinning their tires at times, their work is making real differences in the kingdom of God. They may go unnoticed by human eyes, but the kingdom is being driven forward by their work at Collin and I'm incredibly proud of them.
October is also the month when we have our annual Collin Park Day. Park day is a time for students to spend a whole day getting to know one another, having fun with each other, and uniting in God's purpose for our campus. This is such a fun and purposeful event that we do each year and it really helps friendships in the ministry take-off. I'm reminded on this day more than most others that my work is such a blessing to me. I get to spend time investing in college students and pointing them to Christ. I'm so thankful for the work God has laid before me to do.
I wanted to finish by asking for you, my friends and partners in ministry, to be praying about a few things. Will you please pray for the seeds we've planted to take root? The tendency of college students is to start well and trail off when things get difficult. Will you also pray for involvement in our small groups? Our students come in droves to Thursday Night Focus but many students have been inconsistent to our core groups this year. Will you pray for our staff? Pray that we will be led by God as we lead these students, that our vision is clear and that we stay focused on the mission. Finally, will you please let me know what I can be praying for you about? I have a deep desire to minister to you also, so please don't be shy! Thank you so much for your prayers and your support. Thank you for the time you spend blessing our community in the various ways you do. May our God bless you richly as you seek him!
Yours on the campus,
Garrett Davis
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