Hello friends and supporters!
Where can I possibly start? January is always an incredible month. It begins with our staff retreat, moves to Winter Camp, and ends with Spring semester beginning. It's an exciting time and a trying time, but this January has been so very encouraging. I'd mainly like to tell you about Winter Camp and the beginning of the semester both at Collin and Preston Ridge campuses.
Winter Camp was absolutely incredible this year. From January 15th to the 18th we had over 500 Focus students from our campuses all over the metroplex learning, growing, and worshipping for four days straight. It was humbling to see what God has been doing in our community. Rikk Watts, a New Testament scholar from Regent College in Vancouver came and spoke to us. What an extraordinary blessing! Hearing him talk about the history of the Gospel as well as recounting its messages was life-giving, and our students benefitted greatly both in mind and spirit. Thank you so much for your prayers about Winter Camp. They were answered! The picture above is our "little" Collin College group (both campuses). Who would have thought such a group could exist at a community college!?
Another really encouraging thing has been school starting back for both campuses. Pictured left is our Preston Ridge ministry which has grown considerably this year. This has been through the grace of God in the hard work of the student leaders as well as our intern Albert on this campus. They have been devoted to campus outreach, doing it once a week in the student union and individual students doing it every day in their classes; we have certainly seen the fruit of it! Your continued prayers for God to send workers into the harvest, and people that are ready to follow Christ to Preston Ridge Focus are appreciated! Spring Creek Focus has also been seeing a lot of growth and new faces. We had a chance to hear from our students who attended Winter Camp what their main take aways were and I was blown away by the depth and maturity of their answers. They really listened, and were really blessed by it.
I'm thankful, friends. I hope you'll join me in praising God for what he has done, is doing, and will do at our campuses. It's good for you to share these victories and blessings with me, because without you they are not possible. Your time, your money, your prayers, all indispensable to the good news coming to these campuses. Thank you so much.
Yours on the campus,
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