Friday, November 1, 2013

Oh-Snap October

Hello friends, readers, and supporters!

     Boy, do I have a lot to tell you about. You better get some popcorn, grab a drink, and get comfortable :) God has been doing so much in our ministries this month. It's truly been incredible. The only way I can think to break this up is to go by piece by piece, so here we go!

     Park Day: Instead of doing Fall Retreat like we normally do, we decided to stay close to school and spend a whole day at a local park getting to know one another, playing games, worshipping, and sharing with one another.
It was such a great experience! We had many of our students come and we all had a blast. It's so cool to see new students joining into the group, being accepted, and watching as their lives begin to be changed by our fellowship. Some pictures of our day are to the right and below:

Preston Ridge: We've continued to experience success at Preston Ridge this semester.
Melissa, our intern, and I have started one on one Bible studies with the students involved here and those are going well! Our students here are also getting involved at our larger group events and this has been very encouraging.

Thursday Night Focus: We've been doing some different and interesting activities at Focus during Thursday nights this month. We had an activity after talking about "Break Every Chain" where students were given a two-sided piece of card stock paper and told to write what they were before knowing Christ and what they have experienced as a result of being freed by him. It was a really neat and touching experience. Likewise, on Halloween night we had an extended worship service. To be honest, I thought we'd have a low turn out with it being a holiday night and all...but I was wrong.

    There weren't enough chairs! It was packed out with students dressed in their costumes and ready to worship God. What a cool testament to the students in our ministry! Afterwards we went to Mooyah Burgers and packed that place out enjoying one another's company and having fun!

     Because of your willingness to help support our ministry we are able to do things like this. God is moving, lives are being changed, and students are having genuine encounters with God! Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you again. Through you, God is blessing us richly! We are amply supplied! Please continue in your prayers for us, that we'd be kingdom-bringers, light-bearers, and ground-shakers. Pray that we'd bring the gospel in a powerful way to these campuses and that God would continue to bless us as he has been. But most of all, thank him for his work!

     We have a debt of love to you, friends. We are grateful and thankful for your help and prayers.

Yours for the campus,

1 comment:

  1. Well this is bangarang! Glad I support you even though I heard your better-looking brother Brad is a much better minister than you.
