Hello friends and supporters!
It's been a while since I last updated you about life and ministry and I'd like to take a moment to do just that! Since I last posted a lot has happened so I'll do a high flyover.

The school year wrapped up in great fashion. Our leader team was able to spend some good quality time together reflecting on the year and thinking about the years to come. We had our annual banquet and were able to enjoy food and dancing while celebrating what God has done this year, which is way more than we could've imagined. Speaking of that, this is probably a good place to mention some of what he's done. Firstly, our ministry was a light at Collin College calling broken people into community and to Jesus. They made friendships, pursued Christ, and grew as people. Secondly, we started Focus at the Central Park Campus and have seen a small community of devoted and fired-up students develop there. Third, our student leader team grew so much and learned how to better serve, follow Jesus, and lead their peers. Our staff team did the same. Lastly (for time, not because it's everything), we were faithful with what we were given. God has blessed us with our campus and the people he's sent our way. We reached out every week, praised God in corporate assembly every week, pursued God every week, lived together and grew together every week, and we stayed plugged into the mission of making and maturing disciples every week. We're so thankful that God has given us this ministry and the desire and ability to undertake it. He's so good!

At this point we're doing something called Summer One on One Training (lovingly referred to as SOOT). We've asked around 40 students who we think will have an impact on our community next year to come learn how to do one on one ministry and get to know one another. We're halfway through the 4 week training and it's been so cool to get to know them and see them grow.
As far as other news goes, Jack is growing quickly. He's 8 months old and he's a complete joy. He's saying "dada"...constantly, he's crawling everywhere, and running around in his little walker grabbing everything he finds. It's such a privilege and a blessing to get to be his dad and it's been so cool to get to see my students love him and take care of him.
Jack was able to accompany us on his first plane ride ever to North Carolina where we met up with a campus ministry team from Orlando. A good friend of mine runs the campus ministries through a church in Orlando and he asked if we'd like to come spend a few days with his staff talking about what Focus does and how we do it. It was a neat experience full of great conversation and it was incredibly encouraging to see the way God has been working through this young ministry full of young, faithful staff.
Finally, I'd just like to thank you all again for your continued support and generosity. You make all of this possible and I'm so deeply appreciative of all you do. Thank you!!
In Christ,
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