Hello friends and supporters!

Well, just like that school is over and the summer has arrived. It's hard to believe the school year is done already; it seems like just yesterday I was telling you about our prep day at Collin for all our new student leaders. Well now they have a whole year of ministry under their belts and have experienced all the ups and downs of ministry. As I look back on the team we had leading at Collin this year, both students and staff, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly blessed. God gave us such great workers who poured their hearts and souls into people. I'll always look back fondly on this group and I'm so thankful I got to work with them!

The main happening in May was our end of the year banquet. It's a fun affair with food, dancing, worship, and honoring the people who have served the ministry this year. It was a great way to end the year enjoying one another's company and laughing together. Directly after school ends most of the people on our staff head up to Washington for a week with around 80 students from all the campuses for the Student Institute of Campus Ministry (I've mentioned this in my previous blog post). I stayed back in Dallas this year in order to get a head start on fundraising, as well as a little relaxation after many years of attending SICM. I still miss being around our staff so much as well as the CCF staff up in Washington. I've made some lifelong friendships up there that I love getting to refresh when I go back up each year. So I'll be that much more excited next year when I go up to Washington!
As we head into summer we'll be meeting with our full staff team as normal each week, with a primary emphasis on staff development (pastorally, intellectually, relationally, etc.) and preparing for next year. We get a lot of feedback at the end of each year from our students, and we have a lot of ideas ourselves of how next year can go better. Summer is an integral time for hitting the reset button and making some changes, preparing for next year, and growing together. We plant in the summer so we can harvest in the Fall!
I'd ask that you be praying for the changes Collin is experiencing on staff (adding Cody, losing Hannah), and that our summer would be productive in regards to what I just mentioned above as well as in fundraising. Thank you so much for all of your love and attention as we work to bring Christ to the campus. I'm so grateful for you!
Yours on the campus,
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