It's only just now in this crazy season that I've realized it's been 6 weeks since my last update. I'm sorry for not having that done! There's a lot to talk about! It seems like I've been out of town 90% of the summer, and while I don't exactly enjoy traveling away from home, I think the experiences I had were well worth the discomfort.
I'll start by telling you about a backpacking trip through Wayforward Adventures I got to go on with some friends from Crossfit Richardson, where I've worked out the past 4 years or so. I was hesitant to go on this trip because of the time commitment, the less-than-comfortable conditions, and the cost, but I decided an investment in my friendship with those guys well outweighed my excuses. I'm so glad I went. There's something about trekking through remote terrain with no distractions that really builds intimate friendships. Each day a few people told their life story and allowed the other guys to ask questions. Conversations were deep and spiritual, and it changed the way I saw each one of those guys. To my own shame, I admit that I used to see these guys as merely buddies, after all, I'm a campus pastor and my ministry is exclusively college students and campus ministry staff, right? Wrong. I'm not sure when that lie crept in, but I have a sneaking suspicion others believe the same lie in their various life contexts. It's a debilitating lie because it causes us to live our lives in silos, and miss what God is doing around us in every area of our lives, and in people we may not have expected. Since we've disembarked from the trail I've made it a point to spend purposeful time with the Crossfit Richardson guys. I like them a lot, they're all extremely humble and hungry men who love the Lord and I plan to continue to invest in them and allow them to invest in me as we do life together.
In two weeks, Fall classes begin on our campuses. Many hundreds of new students will pour through the doors at Collin, many of whom do not have friends to speak of and more have no faith to speak of. God has charged us with the task of showing the love of Christ to these students and inviting them into authentic Christian community one student at a time. The first week of school is a big deal. Welcome week all but determines who will come to our ministry this year and we intend to be faithful with it. I have a few prayer requests to ask of you:
1. Pray for our student leaders. Pray for their faithfulness and zeal as they do God's work. Pray they would be determined and bold.
2. Pray for Collin College and that the people God is leading to himself would cross our path and come to know him.
3. Pray for the continued growth of myself and our staff at Collin, for our direction to be God's direction, and our energies to be the Spirit's and not our own.
Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers. Thank you for teaming up with us in this most important ministry to college students. My prayer is that God would continue to bless you and guide you in your relationship with him and his people.
Yours in Christ,
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