I have a lot to share with you, so much so that I'm wondering if it's even possible to explain what's gone on in these past 4 weeks! First, I'll talk about our corefa prep day that we did for all the corefas on every campus in the metroplex. This was such an encouraging day where we spent time training our corefas (small group leaders) how to minister to their peers, make the most of their time, and be examples to our community. It was incredible. Over 120 students leaders spent the day worshipping, learning, and growing together. What an encouragement!
We've also started up Preston Ridge Focus for the semester and it's been so neat to see what God is doing on that campus. Albert (an intern on staff), Erika (my wife), and I have been heading that up. Firstly, this is a campus with little to no student life. There is very little interaction between students as they simply attend their classes and leave on a daily basis. We're aiming to change that in a big way. One way we've accomplished progress in this is through setting up a lemonade stand and playing football and frisbee in the middle of campus. We had a lot of student interest and even saw people taking pictures of us because they'd never seen that kind of student life on campus before. It actually looked like their were real people with real interests there! On top of that, our small ministry is growing and the two core groups we have for Preston have seen great involvement. Albert and Erika are doing a great job there!
Finally, Thursday Night Focus (TNF), has been a blast. The heart of our ministry is one on one relationships and core groups, but TNF is a cool celebration of our unity on a weekly basis. We've officially hit capacity in the cafeteria where we meet as we've consistently had between 120 and 150 students showing up. Worship has been so engaging, we've heard from numerous speakers, and meeting these students is such a blessing! On top of that, Discipleship Class (D class) started two weeks ago on Fridays from 12-2. We've had a large number of students showing up to learn about the Bible in a challenging academic atmosphere, and it's very encouraging that they would give up 2 hours on their Fridays to develop their faith.
God is moving at Collin and Preston, friends. I've seen him call us to prayer and repentance and watched as our students have begun the process of life change and radical faith. Your continued prayers are support enough, and your financial giving makes our cups overflow. Thank you so very much for your support, your prayers, and your heart for campus ministry. I'm blessed by every one of you!
Yours on the campus,
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